Saturday, 18 December 2010

Ace review for Kettlebells bootcamp!!

Latest Homes magazine has just printed a great review of our last Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

Read the review online here:’s-weightloss-programme

We still have spaces on our next Kettebells bootcamp!
The New Year- New You Guaranteed Weight Loss programme starts on the 8th January, finishing 28 days later on the 5th February.
Results come with a money-back guarantee- so what do you have to lose!?!

Ace review for Kettlebells bootcamp!!

Latest Homes magazine has just printed a great review of our last Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

Read the review online here:

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Christmas and New Year Class timetable.

Christmas Timetable- all at ZT Fitness, Hove.

Mon, Dec 20th: 7.30pm- Beginners

Tues, Dec 21st: 7.30pm- Intermediate

Wed, Dec 22nd: 7pm- Advanced

Thurs,Dec 23rd- Tues,Dec 28th: NO CLASS

Wed, Dec 29th: One-off class- All abilities

Thurs, Dec 30th- Mon, Jan 3rd: No class

Tues, Jan 4th: All classes back to normal


In January we will be starting a Friday evening class to cope with the influx of new people in January. This will be at 7.30pm at ZT Fitness.

Wishing all Brighton Kettlebell members and their friend and family a very Happy Christmas and New Year! Here's to a great training year and a fun-filled 2011!

Saturday, 20 November 2010


..on the Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

WOW! What can I say? The photos speak for themselves!
Congratulations to Thomas Angus- losing a staggering --4% Bodyfat and 2 inches off his waist on the Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

Part of the Kettlebells Bootcamp, the Guaranteed Results- Weight Loss programme does exactly what it says on the tin! Lose bodyfat and feel great...or your money back!

If you missed out on the last programme, don't worry as the next bootcamp is running in January! This is called the New year- New You programme.

The average weight loss is 6kg, and you can expect to lose up to 2 inches off your waist.

This is achieved by following an easy to follow detox diet, alongside regular training classes involving Kettlebells and other funky toys! 

Classes are held indoors at ZT Fitness in Hove, by Hove train station- no nasty outdoor classes in the rain and cold here!
Next bootcamp starts on 8th January, and runs till 5th February. Spaces are limited, with the first spaces at only £90!

Remember- these are real people, with real results! What are you capable of achieving?

To enrol on the next available bootcamp, please go to: KETTLEBELLS BOOTCAMP, or e-mail Christian:

Call Christian direct with any questions on: 07876-558850

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Oli Thompson set for win at BAMMA 5!

With the UFC 122 looming this weekend, all eyes are on the international spectacle. But very soon we have a major event right here in the UK, in the shape of BAMMA 5 on Saturday 5th December.

The fightcard looks great, featuring Bob "The Beast" Sapp who is fighting Stav "The Bear" Economou.
We are most excited about another Heavyweight fight, where my money for a win is with Oli Thompson, former Britain's Strongest Man, now a formidable Heavyweight MMA fighter who is slowly climbing the UK MMA ranks with a 4-1-0 record. He will be fighting Darren Towler (3-4-0).

Having trained with Combat Ready Training for the last year, Oli Thompson is set to peak for fight night with ferocious power and the cardio abilities most middleweights would be envious of. Five minute rounds are nothing to Oli, he eats them up with ease and plenty left in the tank for more.

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Combat Ready Training- The Tail Pipe

Fighters from the ZT Fight Skool team got together with me for some strength and conditioning. After a rigorous warm up using tabata and bodyweight, and mat based crawls,  few I subjected them to the "Tail Pipe" protocol- a truly sickening workout which has you working with a partner.

Anybody who has wrestled, sparred in BJJ or fought in MMA will know what it feels like to try and breathe whilst pinned to the ground or against the cage. The Tail Pipe builds resistance and endurance in these situations.

The Workout
Originally a Gym Jones protocol, Tail Pipe is 3 rounds of a 250m row followed by 2x 24kg Kettlebell rack holds. 
As one partner holds the kettlebells in the rack, the other rows. As soon as they finish their row, you switch positions- repeat this three these are tough lads, we did it for four rounds!

The guys loved this workout, so it will definitely be coming back soon!

Dedicated to those fighting in the upcoming ZT Amateur Tournament and ZT Fight Night.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Christian Vila in Men's Fitness magazine...

Men's Fitness- November 2011 issue- in Newstands now!

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Hathaway looks ripped for tonight's bout!

John Hathaway looks in great condition at the UFC 120 weigh-in!

Congrats to his team for putting together a great conditioning programme and diet.

Good luck tonight bro! We're all behind you!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Personal trainers beware!!

If you're a trainer, or sports coach you should be aware of a scam that is spreading internationally.
Whilst I was on vacation, I was contacted by someone who pretended to be a potential client.

This is the way they scam you (full scripts coming up....this is funny!):
1. They contact you with an enquiry
2. You confirm a price etc.
3. They ask you to charge their credit card as usual, plus also add an amount which they need you to forward to their "logistics agent" who happen to NOT have a POS.
4. You then forward the extra amount to the agent, who would then do a runner with your money.

The scam is quite obvious, but I had some fun with them all the same- making them think I was actually game!

Here are the e-mails we sent back and forths....

On Sun 10/10/10 12:00 PM , Philip Howard sent:
     I'll be in the country with my friends for a one month vacation. During our stay, we would like to book for 3 weeks classes for 1Hr each day, Monday to Saturday (morning or Evening hours) for 6 persons.
    As part of our plans to keep fit during the vac, we need Private group training. Do you have a training studio/facility where you conduct the classes? What Forms of Fitness Program do you teach best?


On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 7:00 AM, CHRISTIAN VILA <> wrote:
Hi Philip!

Thanks for you enquiry. I do have a facility to train you guys in Hove.

First of all, can I ask where you got my details from?
What kind of training are you looking for? (I do pretty much everything!)

Christian Vila

    It is okay, We are not looking for any specific kind of training but just to keep fit.I have made inquiries with my colleagues and none is with any previous or present severe/non sevrere injury record, age is between mid 30s and early 40s. We are currently not in the country but we will be arriving 2 days at your city of location before the commencement of the classes?, my method of payment will be credit Card, because we are offshore at work right now in an oil rig. What are your payment options for registration? We'll be grateful if you'll be willing to do the work to teach quality classes to us and make our visit a memorable and fun-filled one. Send a confirmation to this email(AS PLAIN TEXT AND NOT AS AN ATTACHMENT) so that we can know what to do. please kindly total the cost and get back to me asap.I hope you do have a POS machine for charging the credit cards. Provide me with the total cost asap. ps: our accomodation and other logistics arrangements will be made by an agent that we've contracted, so i need to your response to this mail.


On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:19 AM, CHRISTIAN VILA <> wrote:

This sounds great! I have a POS machine and the charge will be £150 per hour...and I'll even throw in a bit of spanking at the end of the sessions.

If this is something that interests you I also throw in a lot of other "personal" services, for example those involving leather.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!


On Sun 10/10/10 4:21 PM , Philip Howard sent:

   Thanks for the mail,we're all happy that we'll be doing the fitness sessions with you,do reserve our classes for us as agreed. Everything as specified is ok. Moreover,we've also concluded arrangements with the Translator agent like i told you who will take care of our logistics as well( Flight tickets & travel insurance,International Airport transfer, Transportation logistics & Accommodation). 
   However, I also want to let you know that I have an agent who will handle our logistics details like i said in my previous mail, but he runs a private business and does not have the facilities to charge a credit card, so i will need you to help in facilitating my payment to him, because it's very crucial to our making this booking. 
At this point I would authorize you to charge my credit card to the amount you quoted for the cost of your services, with an additional $8,500 for the agent, deduct your fee and transfer the balance to my agent so he can start processing our travel arrangements prior to our coming. I will be waiting for your response, so that i can send the credit card details for the payment.i will also need a direct phone number so i can give you a call before sending my credit card details. 

 On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 8:51 AM, CHRISTIAN VILA <> wrote:

There seems to be an issue with your logistics....I am a logistics expert too, and would like to look after your logistics, so can you please tell me your arrival date for logistic purposes.

My logistic fees will be an additional $85, i hope this is logistically ok.

Please send your credit card details so I can charge your card today.



 Is it possible you charge the extra 8,500 and transfer it to the agent once the funds clears into your account via money transfer as we are already committed to him.

Can you believe anybody would actually fall for this? Well apparently some have- I scanned the web and found sports coached who actually charged the card and transferred the amounts to the second account.

The mind boggles!


Monday, 4 October 2010

Guaranteed Results is a success!

Wow! What a month its been! The Guaranteed Results Weight Loss Bootcamp came to an end this weekend, with twenty very happy attendees all losing an average of 5kg of fat each, 3-4% Bodyfat and a couple of inches off their waist!

How did they achieve this?

No starvation- no calorie restriction- no faddy diets.

They simply cleaned up their diet, eating only natural, fresh food, and trained at least three times a week.

Food toxins where avoided for the 28 days causing a staggering result in everyone on the programme.

These where:
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Artificial additives.

The biggest loser award goes to Nick Hillier and John Stallard who each lost 7kg of bodyfat in 28 days!

Helen Fairbrother even lost 5kg and 2 inches off her waist. She was over the moon with the results!

Mikie (in the video above) managed to get down to 11% Bodyfat in the 28 days!

If you missed the programme this time round, you can join the New Year- New You Guaranteed Weight loss programme which start on the 8th January.

For more info and registration please see: New Year- New You.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Week 2: Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

How are you getting on? Well I hope! If you're at the same stage as I am, you'll now be sleeping a lot better than me, waking up early and feeling great!
If you haven't yet reched that stage..then don't worry- it will come! It really depends on how toxic you where before the programme.
 Here's some questions sent to me the last few days and on forums I've read. I've posted them up so everyone can see them:
  • In answer to your question, whilst I have not yet added Soya to the banned list, I believe it's better to give it a miss as there are lots of new studies and articles coming out that really call it into question. You may use rice, oat, hazelnut, almond milks but make sure they have no additives or oils added.
  • If you feel your weight is not progressing quickly enough...consider dropping your portion sizes by 25%.
  • Micowaving is out! See why:
  • As far as I know tinned tuna is ok as long as it's in spring water as opposed to brine or oil. I would assume that applies to other fish.
  • Herbal teas are fine and there are plenty of varieties to try. 
  • Dried fruit is okay as long as there are no chemicals added, sun dried would probably be best if you can find them. Fruit whether dried or not, if you eat too much will slow down weight loss if that is what you are after, so just watch how much you are eating, the same for nuts.
  • Houmous is made with chickpeas, sesame seeds and olive oil so that is fine if you make it yourself but I haven't seen a commercially made one that didn't have vegetable oil and preservatives in it.
  • Hi, my advice for carb cravings is to eat more protein and fat. Especially if you are weightlifting. I eat about 20g protein per meal or more, 6 meals a day.
  • I will say having followed the elimination myself before & having coached many clients through the process, the difference a few cheats can be quite good. Some clients have been happy with "average" weight loss & cheating, but those that stick to it are truly excited by what they can achieve. It is hardcore for some people to stick to this, but the dramatic weight loss experienced by those that stick to the letter of the diet is fantastic.
  • For a quick pick me up, I also made my own trail mix. I used almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins, or any cut up dried fruit...1/2 cup of this when you are having a sugar craving will help you through the day. You may mix any type of nuts. 
Here's this week's classes- weather forecast looks good for the first three days!

  • Mon@ 8pm (Compulsory- diet and training)- Cheetahs with Christian
  • Tues@ 7.30pm (Intermediate)- Cheetahs with Christian
  • Wed@ 7pm (Intermediate)- Cheetahs with Christian
  • Thurs@ 7.30pm (Intermediate) - ZT Fitness with Mark
  • Sat@ 11am (Intermediate)- ZT Fitness with Simon
Keep it tight guys!

Saturday, 4 September 2010


Today 18 people embarked on a journey of self-discovery and test of self-will, with the Guaranteed results- Fat Loss bootcamp.

The 28 day programme has a strict detox diet which has you eliminating major toxins, alongside a training programme based around kettlebells and other functional movements.
 The programme is so effective as the diet is strict with no ifs or buts. Toxins which we ingest are often stored in the body's fat. When we eliminate these, the toxins, along with fat are purged from the body.

Most people can expect to feel pretty crappy over the next few days, as they go cold turkey from foods they have become addicted to. Sugar and Caffeine are the biggest culprits.

Everyone was measured today, with benchmarks for weight, bodyfat percentage, fat mass and waist circumference.

This is an awesome group- all very upbeat and excited about the programme! Bring it on!

If you missed this one, don't fear. The next bootcamp will be the New Year-New You in January. Message me for details!

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Does your gym offer a money-back guarantee?

Now in it’s third year, the Guaranteed results Weight loss programme makes promises no other bootcamp or trainer dares: if you’re not happy with the results, you get your money back!

Fed up with the big gym chains taking money from the public without delivering results, Christian Vila, owner and operator of Brighton based Christian Vila Personal Training is putting his money where his mouth is, with the “Guaranteed Results” fat loss programme.
Christian, has put together a 28-day programme, which guarantees changes to your body shape,  by using the latest training tools including Kettlebells, Boxercise and fun group exercises, alongside an easy to follow detox diet

Taxi driver, Richard  from Hove says of the programme: “Thanks to the Guaranteed Results Bootcamp I was able to lose 8kg and keep it off!”

Clients will be expected to attend a minimum of three training sessions per week, following a prescribed healthy eating plan.

The Guranteed results programme, which commences on the Saturday 4th September 2010, is enrolling now with limited spaces at £90.

To enrol contact Christian on 07876-558850 or visit the GUARANTEED RESULTS WEBSITE.

Sunday, 15 August 2010


The Guaranteed Results bootcamp is now enrolling- ready to start on Saturday 4th September!

The dedicated website is ready to take enrolments now:


 If you have any questions please phone me on 07876-558850 or e-mail me here.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Beach Body Bootcamp in the national Media!

The recent Beach Body weight loss programme has received an excellent review in Out in The City (p112) magazine! If you missed the last programme, we have the Guaranteed Results programme starting on Saturday 4th September!
We have limited spaces at £90, so don't hesitate to enrol now!
      Beach Body-Out in the City Magazine

 You can read the review by clicking here, then scroll to page 112.
The magazine is also available in newstands in and around London.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

ZT Fighters sweep the opposition at Fight Night!

Wow! What a night! After so many months of preparation, ZT's Fight Night- Stand Your Ground was a huge success. Held for the first time in Eastbourne, fighters where able to let rip in a full size cage thanks to a more forward thinking local authority. In Hove, fights have to be held in a boxing-style ring, causing more hazards and stoppages during a fight.
The headlining fight was Oli Thompson, who defeated a Polish man-mountain weighing 150kg by the name of Thomas Czerwinski with a brutal ground and pound. To put things in to perspective, Oli fights at around 125kg....Mariusz Pudzianowski weighs 128kg. So this Polish guy was BIG!
Oli faces up to a rather large man.
 Oli celebrates his win- photo by Ben Donoghue
The training camp leading up to the fight focused on Oli's cardio and speed. Five-minute fighter circuits would usually end with ground and pound exercises using tyres, tornado balls or a sledgehammer. It was awesome seeing Oli put his strength and power to great use in his fight against the gigantic Thomas.

Huge congratulations to all the ZT Fight team who all won their fights including Ryan Roe-Barnett who displayed amazing skill on the ground, Laura Howarth (watch this girl!) who overcame a very unorthodox and tough fighter, Ryan White who kept his cool despite his opponent trying to head-butt him after losing to him and Tolly Plested for showing well-rounded skills in front of his excited home crowd.
Fight of the night has to go to Kenny Moyston who defeated a Thai champion and Asian Boxing champion who had 220 fight under his belt, with amazing ease and ferocity!
Huge congratulations to Sol Gilbert, Donna and the ZT team for putting on an amazing show which is evolving in to one of the best fight shows in the country. Roll on the next one!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Get your review in! Boost our ranking!


I've just added Christian Vila Personal Training to - the UK’s free business directory.

As our valued customer, I would really appreciate it if you could submit a rating/review of Christian Vila Personal Training and/or Brighton Kettlebells which will help us get feedback on the services we provide.

If you are happy to write a review, please click on the following link or paste it into your web browser:

Here's a link to my page on the site:

It only takes a couple of minutes and is of great value to us!


View our full profile in the FreeIndex Personal Trainers Directory directory.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Christian in Combat Network magazine

You can view the magazine free online or download it via this link:

Over 80 pages of competitions, news, interviews, features, instruction and more!

- Full SENI Combat show report by Christian Vila with photos of the stars
- How to improve your cardio, for the fighter by Christian Vila

PDF download:
Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Beach Body Programme is a success!!

Having completed 28 days of training and detoxing, 16 lucky people changed their bodies in to fitter, leaner and happier versions!
I was truly amazed at people's will power and determination through the programme, with some training up to five days a week using Kettlebells, sandbags and body weight exercises!
Shireen says of the programme: "I Love Brighton Kettlebells and cant thank Christian Kettlebells Vila enough for for the amazing support that he has given me over the past 4 weeks!!!! Life changing stuff!"
But this is just the beginning! Now we've got the body toxin free, we can re-introduce each one to see its effects on the body. As a result of doing this diet myself, I am now dairy and wheat free as I find these to be bloating and energy leaches. I've also kept caffeine to a minimum (once or twice a week).
Karen did the programme with her husband and was amazed at their results: "I was so pleased with my results and to lose 5kg in 4 weeks! and the amount of body fat was really surprising too....Ron and I feel so much healthier and we feel 'clean' - no more 'dirty food' for us. We will continue on the plan! 
The biggest loser wins a prize, and on this occassion its Ron Puttock who lost an amazing 8kg on the programme! Ron wins 2 months of unlimited Kettlebell training worth £85!
"I was quite a coffee drinker and now I don't miss that at all which is great. We have enjoyed being on the Beach Body programme and I am recommending it to my work colleagues and friends" enthused Karen.
This has been an amazing group with an average of 5kg lost, 2-inches off waists and drops of up to 5% Bodyfat. These results make my job a dream. I cannot wait for the next one!
If you're interested in joining us on the next Guaranteed results Bootcamp, we've got one starting 4th September, 2010!
See: GUARANTEED RESULTS Spaces are LIMITED, so contact me to secure your place! CONTACT CHRISTIAN!

Monday, 7 June 2010

Beach Body week!

Now in it's fnal week, the Beach Body will conclude this Friday with 15 people having their final weigh-ins and measurements to gauge their progress.
Weight, bodyfat and waist circumference will be compared to the previous readings taken at the beginning of the programme three weeks ago.
Most have stuck to the programme and looking great already as a result. I've noticed people's energy levels have improved, as well as their skin and eyes. I've been doing the the programme too- even giving up meat (not easy as a South American!)
Personally I'm loving the feeling of sustained energy throughout the day, waking up at 6am every morning. My quality of sleep is much improved as is the my performance in workouts. Its great not being a slave to caffeine with its daily highs and lows.
For many on the programme this is the first time they will have gone four weeks without drinking any alcohol in their lives! I'm very excited to see the results at the end of this week- the biggest reward any trainer can get!
I've been making smoothies every morning using Acai berries (frozen pulp from Sublime foods)
Here's the super-foods smoothie I'm having every morning (beware this has you buzzing for hours!)
MrC's Buzzing Smoothie

1 pack of Sublime Acai
1 teaspoon Bee Pollen
1 teaspoon Maca
1 teaspoon Spirulina
Frozen Strawberries
Frozen Blueberries
Fresh ginger
1/2 cup of Water
1/2 cup Bio-live yoghurt

Blend together for the best smoothie in the world!

Monday, 24 May 2010

Beach Body Programme- Week 1

Now entering the second week, the Beach Body programme is well underway. Fifteen determined individuals are following the strict detox plan, and exercising with Kettlebells up to five times a week for records breaking results. One lady lost 6kg last I'm really excited to see how this bunch get on!
After a weigh-in, bodyfat measurement, and waist circumference reading, everyone was given a full run down of their diet. These measurements are then compared at the end of the programme to gauge results. Not everyone is doing the programme for weight loss. Some are looking for better health and more energy. One chap is looking to gain (lean) weight on the programme.
Now at the end of Week 1, some are finding it harder than others. After a few days the body is purging its toxins- with headaches and feelings of lethargy (showing how addicted we are to these toxins) ,most people are now reporting feelings of wellbeing and high energy. 
The hardest things to give up (for me included), was Caffeine. I love my Mate tea (an indigenous tea from South America)....but I've given this up for the Beach Body programme. 
For others, Sugar is the hardest to give up....many rely on a sugar hit, a few times a day, just to get them through the day!
Thats the whole point of the diet: to re-programme how we feel about these foods and to allow ourselves to break habits formed around the toxins (ie: Coffee in the morning, followed by sugary cereal for breakfast).
Each Monday we all sit down with our filled-out diet sheets, to talk about the diet and share experiences and education. The Kettlebell training further augments the results. With lots of calories being burnt, the body's metabolism is put on over-drive burning more calories even when we go home.
This year I'm experimenting with cutting out meat from my diet, to see how it affects me, my training and recovery time. I'm still eating fresh fish every day (responsibly sourced), to keep my protein levels high. So far so good!
This year's Beach Body is full of enthusiastic and driven individuals from all walks of life- giving the programme a fun and motivating experience! The programme has three weeks left, ending on Friday 11th June. 

Spelt is allowed on the Detox diet, so here's a great recipe for Spelt Bread which you can make yourself!


650G Doves Spelt Flour

2 tsp Sea Salt
15g Soft Organic Butter
Sachet of Yeast
400ml Water (100ml warm, 300ml cold)

- Rub butter into flour and add salt, and stif in yeast.

- Add warm water to form a soft dough
- Knead for 10mins on a floured surface
- Cover and leave to rise in a warm place for half an hour until it has doubled in size
- Bake in a pre-heated oven at 230oC for half an hour.

You can also add dried fruit and nuts for a sweet version. Olive oil can also be used instead of butter.

The next Guaranteed Results weight loss programme will be in August- if you'd like to join us, please send me your details to be added to the list!
Keep checking back for further reports on the programme!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Beach Body is set to go!

Starting this evening, the Beach Body Programme in Hove will see fifteen determined people embark on a journey of self-discovery and test of will power.
Christian Vila, who runs the programme guarantees the results based on a simple formula:
Clean diet + regular exercise= results.
Christian himself will be following the diet with the group, which involves taking all toxins out from the diet. This includes:
  • Wheat
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Dairy
  • Artificial Additives 

Everyone attending the programme will be weighed, and measured to monitor results. In the past programmes its not uncommon to see up to 6kg of fat lost in the 28 days period. Around 4kg is most common.

The detox diet works excellently with the Kettlebell workouts to sculpt and tone the entire body. People will be expected to attend at least three classes a week as well as follow the prescribed diet to the letter.

The biggest loser will win 2 months membership to Brighton Kettlebells worth £85.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Last Woman Standing gets the Kettlebell treatment.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of training Anna Campbell, the winner of the hit TV show: Last Woman Standing.

If you didn't catch the programme on BBC Three, this awesome TV series follows five British athletes from different sporting backgrounds as they take on the challenge of a lifetime - travelling the world competing with women from remote tribes and cultures. This included some crazy challenges including stick fighting and Buffalo racing.
To give Anna a taste of ZT's Ultimate Training, Sol Gilbert and Christian Vila went back-to-back to deliver a kick-ass session involving Kettlebells and relentless pad work.

Rounds looked like this-
Kettlebells: 2 minutes:
Snatch left: 30 seconds
Jumping Squats: 30 seconds
Snatch right: 30 seconds
Press ups: 30 seconds
1 minute rest
Pad Work: 2 minutes:
Using punches combos and kicks- non stop.
1 minute rest
Repeat above for 6 rounds.
Using the same determination and fitness that won her the title of Last Woman Standing, Anna got through the session sweaty and exhausted but happy.
She'll be back for more!

Friday, 23 April 2010

MMA fighter Ryan White prepares for big fight....

With only three weeks left to his big fight, Ryan White has been training with Christian Vila to be at his peak of fitness at BAMMA 3 on May 15th 2010 in Birmingham.
Ryan White (6-4-0) fighting out of ZT Fight Skool is known for his ferocious fighting style and rarely has to go beyond the first round to defeat his opponent.
His opponent, Seth Petruzelli is best known for his controversial 14 second knock out of Kimbo Slice. This is going to be an exciting fight!

Already possessing awesome strength, Ryan has been working with Christian on the conditioning and speed aspect of his fitness.
Using the Turbulence training protocol we set up a treadmill and two exercises for four gruelling 5 minute rounds.
The workout involves sprinting on a treadmill for 30 seconds, followed by two barbell exercises: the split thruster and barbell high pulls, ten reps each.
Once this is completed, Ryan goes back to the treadmill which is still running fast for a further 30 seconds, then goes back to the barbell exercises. This goes on for 5 minutes without rest, taxing all the body energy systems to the max. Ryan rests  for 1 minute and repeats the process three times- with one minute rest between rounds- just like a fight.
This workout would have most people puking, but Ryan White's conditioning is outstanding enough to withstand the battering. Ryan who is training daily leading up to the fight, is confident he can defeat Petruzelli who called Ryan a "Limey bastard" on the Caged Warriors forum. Ryan said "I've been called worse"!
Tickets for the fight are available from the LG Arena Box office.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Is your trainer qualified to teach Kettlebells?

Oh dear...I've just spotted yet another trainer advertising Kettlebell training in my area- who is NOT qualified or certified to teach them.
Don't get me wrong- I love some healthy competition, its good for business. But it is worrying when Personal trainers tout themselves as Kettlebell trainers, leaving you (the client) exposed to malpractice and potentially injuries which are inevitable when Kettlebells are used incorrectly. Furthermore, we the Kettlebell community will be blamed for a list of injuries caused by other's mistakes.

What can go wrong?
What some trainers don't realise is that Kettlebell training is very different to conventional gym exercises. Certain muscles must be used to avoid pressure on the wrong areas and joints. Speed and tempo, along with correct breathing are essential components in kettlebell training. When I qualified as a Kettlebell trainer, I pretty much had to throw out what I had learned as a Personal trainer. Isolation is something I focused on in the past, now I'm all about working the whole body- in dynamic and explosive movements. You'll rarely find me doing bicep curls or teaching them nowadays!
As with any exercise, if you use the wrong muscles, and have bad form when training with kettlebells you WILL get injured. Kettlebells are an art that must be taught to you by someone who is personally proficient in their use and qualified to do so.
What should we look for?
If your Personal trainer is qualified to teach kettlebells- they should state this in their bio or website. There are only a handful of certifications which are acceptable.
These are (in no particular order):
  • IKFF CKT 1: International Kettlebells and Fitness Federation- (see IKFF )
  • ADPF: Angie Dowds & Rob Partridge Professional Fitness- (see ADPF)
  • Optimal- Extreme Kettlebell Instructor- (see Optimal)
  • UKKA- now GBKA
  • RKC- Russian Kettlebell Certification- (see RKC
 Sometimes I'll hear the arguement: "I don't need to certify, experience counts for far more than a certificate". To a certain extent this is true, but how can you guarantee experience and that they've been doing things correctly? Bad habits die hard. Furthermore, if your trainer is commited to their self-development and expansion of knowledge why would they not become certified to teach?
The current situation.
I sell kettlebells. I sell to gyms, training facilities, individuals and even personal trainers. Whenever I sell kettlebells to trainers I ask them if they are qualified to teach...sadly most say NO. What they do is watch a few videos on youtube and teach themselves (wrongly) how to train with them. With these guys I'll ask them to show me a simple kettlebell swing. What follows is usually a terrible display of mis-understanding of what kettlebells are and how to use them....too much backward lean at the top, kettlebell too high at the top of the arc, back bent over and no hip extention- its like a car crash.
I'll then recommend they do a few sessions with me, or even better: do a Kettlebell certification, to which most reply: "its too expensive" or "I don't have time"!
Disaster waiting to happen.
These trainers are jumping on the band wagon- and you'll pay the price if you train with them or attend their classes.
The take home message.
If you're attending a class or bootcamp which involves kettlebells, or being trained by a trainer who uses kettlebells as part of their service, ask them if they are qualified by one of the above organisations. Furthermore, ask to see their certificate proving their qualification. It still shocks me how no one asks to see my well earned certificates! Its crazy! Its like allowing a non-Corgi registered engineer to service your just wouldn't do it!
If the trainer is operating outside of a gym or training facility, they will need adequate Civil liability insurance which covers their legal liability to you (the client) for death, injury or illness to others and loss of, or damage to third party property. This is important and you should ask to see the certificate of cover checking dates on the paper work.
Brighton Kettlebells prides itself on the high standard of all the instructors taking their classes, all of which are not only qualified and certified, but insured for peace of mind. Furthermore, we constantly evolve, investing money to take on new certifications, keeping up with the latest trends and learning new training forms.

Ask yourself this question: Is your Trainer qualified to teach?

    Friday, 19 March 2010

    Mark Stroud and Silvia Elia are set to compete!

    Both have their eyes set on the traditional 'Biathlon' Sport Competition this Sunday 21st March 2010.
    This competition will be held at the OLF Training Centre in London.

    Here's whats involved:
    Traditional Biathlon
    Male competitors
    Male competitors will compete in the Double Jerk and the Snatch (one hand change), with a maximum of 10 minutes for each lift and a minimum of 30minutes between lifts. Bells will range from 12kg through to 32kg

    Female Competitors
    Female competitors will compete in the One Arm Jerk and the Snatch (both with one hand change), with a maximum of 10minutes for each lift and a minimum of 30 minutes between lifts. Bells will range from 8kg through to 24kg.

    The competition is open to all lifters from beginners through to international competitors. Flights or heats will be in weighted categories e.g. Womens 12kg Jerk, Mens 24kg Jerk.
     Both Mark and Silvia have been training hard leading up to the competition. You can read Mark's training blog here: BRIGHTON GIREVIK. 
    Having attained a WKC III ranking, Mark will push himself even further by competing with 2 X 20kg Kettlebells.
    Silvia, recently attended the Trojans Kettlebell Sports camp with Gregor Sobocan, and will be competing with the 12kgs.
    We wish them super-luck and proud to have them representing Brighton Kettlebells!
    Kill it guys!!

    Saturday, 13 February 2010

    Important notice about classes in the coming weeks...

    I will be away from this Saturday visiting family in South America, so I’ve arranged cover for my classes at ZT during the next three weeks.

    During this time we will be:

    • Moving the Tuesday class to ZT Fitness at 8pm

    • Cancelling the Wednesday class till Wed 10th March.

    All other classes are on as normal.

    Please find below the class schedule for the coming months, along with the instructor’s numbers should you need to contact them.

    Mark and Simon will be collecting money at these classes, so if you need to renew or top up your memberships you can do this via them.

    You can also pay in advance online using the following link:

    If you have any questions please get in touch with Mark or Simon.

    Mark Stroud
    Tel: 07795-610938

    Simon Millstone
    Tel: 07905- 313192

    Have fun, train hard and see you when I get back!



    February 2010

    Mon 15/2
    Tue 16/2

    Thurs 18/2

    (ace instructor!)
    Sat 20/2

    Mon 22/2
    Tue 23/2

    Thurs 25/2

    Sat 27/2

    March 2010

    Mon 1/3
    Tue 2/3

    Thurs 4/3

    Sat 6/3

    Mon 8/3
    All classes back to normal.
    Tues (9/3) and Wed (10/3)-7.30pm@ Cheetahs