Monday, 7 June 2010

Beach Body week!

Now in it's fnal week, the Beach Body will conclude this Friday with 15 people having their final weigh-ins and measurements to gauge their progress.
Weight, bodyfat and waist circumference will be compared to the previous readings taken at the beginning of the programme three weeks ago.
Most have stuck to the programme and looking great already as a result. I've noticed people's energy levels have improved, as well as their skin and eyes. I've been doing the the programme too- even giving up meat (not easy as a South American!)
Personally I'm loving the feeling of sustained energy throughout the day, waking up at 6am every morning. My quality of sleep is much improved as is the my performance in workouts. Its great not being a slave to caffeine with its daily highs and lows.
For many on the programme this is the first time they will have gone four weeks without drinking any alcohol in their lives! I'm very excited to see the results at the end of this week- the biggest reward any trainer can get!
I've been making smoothies every morning using Acai berries (frozen pulp from Sublime foods)
Here's the super-foods smoothie I'm having every morning (beware this has you buzzing for hours!)
MrC's Buzzing Smoothie

1 pack of Sublime Acai
1 teaspoon Bee Pollen
1 teaspoon Maca
1 teaspoon Spirulina
Frozen Strawberries
Frozen Blueberries
Fresh ginger
1/2 cup of Water
1/2 cup Bio-live yoghurt

Blend together for the best smoothie in the world!

1 comment:

Mark Stroud said...

I'm all over that!!