After 28 days on the Elimination diet, and intense cardio sessions involving Kettlebells, Battling ropes and Boxercise, the programme has come to an end.
Congratulations to Sophie Fuller for being the biggest loser with an amazing 11lbs lost! That's the equivalent of a 5kg dumbell! The whole group did amazingly well. Everyone stuck to the diet, with only a couple is mishaps at the half way point.
As a believer of walking the walk, I did the entire programme with the group, following the diet to the letter and training every day with Kettlebells, weights and Battling ropes.
This allowed me to sympathise and understand with the group and how they felt. The first week was the hardest, with caffeine withdrawals from hell! Personally I wasn't expecting any weight loss, in fact I gained a kilo in the four weeks, but I am leaner and sharper than ever. My energy levels are through the roof!
I've enjoyed the programme so much, I intend to keep off wheat, caffeine and dairy forever! Alcohol will be very much in moderation, maybe once a month for special occasions.
I'll be rolling out another programme in May in preparation for the Summer months!
Bring it on!
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