Wednesday, 25 February 2009

I've learnt to Kitesurf!!

I haven't been lazing all this holiday! Today marks a monumental occassion, I achieved a surf in Kitesurfing today!
After 3 days, today I was able to stand up using a 12 metre (thats huge!) Kite to propel me across the crystal clear waters in Cabarete, Dominican Republic.
Taught by a wicked French Kitesurf professional, I finally cracked it! Its an amazing experience!
Just flying the kite is hard enough! You constantly have to battle with the wind to prevent the kite from pulling you in the wrong direction! In my time at the Kite Club, my school for the three days, I saw many beginners getting dragged, wiping out and getting tangled with other kiters. I've never seen so many kites! Kites everywhere!, all sizes and all colours! At one point I counted up to fifty plus kiters in the water, its like the M25 with kites!
I now fully intend to become an "independent" rider, by taking some more lessons back in Brighton, although it won't be as lush as doing it in boardshorts and sunnies!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Brighton Kettlebells welcomes Lisa and Simon!

This week I have five classes for you to choose from!

I will be away from Thursday, but I’ve arranged cover for my classes at ZT during the next two weeks.

Both instructors are Kettlebell instructor qualified. I’ll ensure they are well briefed on how the classes take place and ensure they keep the high standard you are used to.

Please find below the class schedule for the coming month.


February 09
Mon 16/2: 7pm, Cheetahs, Christian
Tue 17/2: 7:30pm, Cheetahs, Christian
Wed 18/2: 7:30pm, Cheetahs, Christian
Thurs 19/2: 7:30pm , ZT, Lisa
Sat 21/2: 12:30noon, ZT, Simon
Thurs 26/2: 7:30pm, ZT, Lisa
Sat 28/2: 12:30noon, ZT, Simon
March 09
Wed 4/3: 7:30pm, Cheetahs, Christian
Thurs 5/3: 7:30pm, ZT, Christian
Sat 7/3: 12:30pm, ZT, Lisa

Lisa and Simon will not be collecting money at these classes, so you need to pay in advance to me, or online at:



Payments and class confirmation need to be in by Tuesday 17th 2009 to secure your place on the classes.

If your pre-paid sessions run out whilst I’m away, I’ll collect the money from you when I get back on the 4th March.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

New Year- New You Programme a Success!

After 28 days on the Elimination diet, and intense cardio sessions involving Kettlebells, Battling ropes and Boxercise, the programme has come to an end.

Congratulations to Sophie Fuller for being the biggest loser with an amazing 11lbs lost! That's the equivalent of a 5kg dumbell! The whole group did amazingly well. Everyone stuck to the diet, with only a couple is mishaps at the half way point.

As a believer of walking the walk, I did the entire programme with the group, following the diet to the letter and training every day with Kettlebells, weights and Battling ropes.

This allowed me to sympathise and understand with the group and how they felt. The first week was the hardest, with caffeine withdrawals from hell! Personally I wasn't expecting any weight loss, in fact I gained a kilo in the four weeks, but I am leaner and sharper than ever. My energy levels are through the roof!

I've enjoyed the programme so much, I intend to keep off wheat, caffeine and dairy forever! Alcohol will be very much in moderation, maybe once a month for special occasions.

I'll be rolling out another programme in May in preparation for the Summer months!
Bring it on!

Thursday, 5 February 2009


Are you in it? Recognise anyone?

Thanks to Jason Baney (

Brighton Kettlebells Kettlebell Fitness Class in Hove with Christian Vila (ADPF) from Christian Vila on Vimeo.

Classes are now taking place weekly on:
Tuesdays: 7:30pm@ Cheetahs Gym
Wednesdays@ 7pm@ Cheetahs Gym
Thursdays@ 7:30pm@ ZT Fitness
Saturdays@ 12noon@ ZT Fitness

Come and join us! For more info see:

Monday, 2 February 2009

BODYBLAST Advanced Kettlebell Class Launches this Week!


...Launches this week: Wednesday@7pm, Cheetahs Gym, Hove.

This is the one you've all been waiting for!

The first ever Advanced Class will involve:

* Longer drills
* Complicated drills
* MMA specific drills
* Strength work: heavy kettlebell work!
* Maximum fat burning
* Maximum body sculpting.

Here's the kind of drills you can expect-

This is a pilot class....if it's will continue every week.

You are welcome to attend as many classes as you like.

Please confirm your attendance to this week's classes:

Tuesday: Kettlebell Fitness@ Cheetahs Gym: 7:30pm
Wednesday: Bodyblast Advanced@ Cheetahs Gym: 7pm
Thursday: Kettlebell Fitness@ ZT Fitness: 7:30pm
Saturday: Kettlebell Fitness@ ZT Fitness: 12noon

Christian Vila