Amongst the fighters in attendance where Olli Thompson and Kenshiro, both preparing for their bouts at ZT's Fight Night 15, taking place this Friday.
After a dynamic warm up, we started the session with some swings, snatches and clean and presses to get the body flowing.
We then unleashed the mother of all kettlebell exercises: the Full Body Defense.
This is one Mike Mahler's favourite MMA specific exercises (Aggressive Strength), which really delivers a punch!
Full Body Defense
An MMA fighter needs to be able to go from the feet to the ground rapidly to avoid takedowns. That is precisely what the "Full Body Defense" will assist you with. The "Full Body Defense" will get you in shape and build incredible muscular endurance when done for high reps. Start the exercise by cleaning two kettlebells to your shoulders. Push your pelvis at the top of the clean so that that you can press your elbows against your stomach and keep the kettlebells tucked in. Take the kettlebells to the floor in the clean position.
Now jump back while still holding onto the kettlebells and arch your back. When executed properly, you will look like you are doing a yoga stretch. Immediately jump back into the clean position, clean the kettlebells, and then proceed with another rep. Again, work on doing three sets of five, two to three times a week. After you have the technique down, work up to three sets of ten.
This exercise is not only for fighters. It will get you in shape and burn calories at an alarming rate! Not only will it make you strong, but will make you lean, flexible and powerful.
Give it a go and let me know how you get on!
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