Saturday, 20 November 2010


..on the Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

WOW! What can I say? The photos speak for themselves!
Congratulations to Thomas Angus- losing a staggering --4% Bodyfat and 2 inches off his waist on the Guaranteed Results Bootcamp!

Part of the Kettlebells Bootcamp, the Guaranteed Results- Weight Loss programme does exactly what it says on the tin! Lose bodyfat and feel great...or your money back!

If you missed out on the last programme, don't worry as the next bootcamp is running in January! This is called the New year- New You programme.

The average weight loss is 6kg, and you can expect to lose up to 2 inches off your waist.

This is achieved by following an easy to follow detox diet, alongside regular training classes involving Kettlebells and other funky toys! 

Classes are held indoors at ZT Fitness in Hove, by Hove train station- no nasty outdoor classes in the rain and cold here!
Next bootcamp starts on 8th January, and runs till 5th February. Spaces are limited, with the first spaces at only £90!

Remember- these are real people, with real results! What are you capable of achieving?

To enrol on the next available bootcamp, please go to: KETTLEBELLS BOOTCAMP, or e-mail Christian:

Call Christian direct with any questions on: 07876-558850

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Oli Thompson set for win at BAMMA 5!

With the UFC 122 looming this weekend, all eyes are on the international spectacle. But very soon we have a major event right here in the UK, in the shape of BAMMA 5 on Saturday 5th December.

The fightcard looks great, featuring Bob "The Beast" Sapp who is fighting Stav "The Bear" Economou.
We are most excited about another Heavyweight fight, where my money for a win is with Oli Thompson, former Britain's Strongest Man, now a formidable Heavyweight MMA fighter who is slowly climbing the UK MMA ranks with a 4-1-0 record. He will be fighting Darren Towler (3-4-0).

Having trained with Combat Ready Training for the last year, Oli Thompson is set to peak for fight night with ferocious power and the cardio abilities most middleweights would be envious of. Five minute rounds are nothing to Oli, he eats them up with ease and plenty left in the tank for more.

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Combat Ready Training- The Tail Pipe

Fighters from the ZT Fight Skool team got together with me for some strength and conditioning. After a rigorous warm up using tabata and bodyweight, and mat based crawls,  few I subjected them to the "Tail Pipe" protocol- a truly sickening workout which has you working with a partner.

Anybody who has wrestled, sparred in BJJ or fought in MMA will know what it feels like to try and breathe whilst pinned to the ground or against the cage. The Tail Pipe builds resistance and endurance in these situations.

The Workout
Originally a Gym Jones protocol, Tail Pipe is 3 rounds of a 250m row followed by 2x 24kg Kettlebell rack holds. 
As one partner holds the kettlebells in the rack, the other rows. As soon as they finish their row, you switch positions- repeat this three these are tough lads, we did it for four rounds!

The guys loved this workout, so it will definitely be coming back soon!

Dedicated to those fighting in the upcoming ZT Amateur Tournament and ZT Fight Night.