Thursday, 31 December 2009

How NOT to fail on your New Year's resolutions this year!

Every year we have good intentions with New Year's resolutions which we then fail by the second month of the year.
Here are some tips on how to keep to your resolutions- follow these and make 2010 a successful year!

  1. Make the resolutions REALISTIC! Don't aim to run a Marathon in Spring if you haven't started jogging yet... make the resolutions achievable to avoid dissapointment.

     2. FUN should be the key to your resolutions...don't go for boring goals- the more exciting the better! Aim for something that will inspire you and keep you excited for the rest of the year. It doen't always have to be diet or booze related!

     3. Try something NEW! Try a new sport, a new class or learn a new skill. Don't be afraid to do what you've been putting off for ages!

     4.  WRITE down your resolutions and put this in a prominent place for you to see. If its diet related keep it in the kitchen, if its fitness related put it somewhere near your sports kit. And NO...this doesn't include the WiiFit!

     5. Tell OTHERS about your intentions. The more people you tell the more support you'll have and the more likely you are to stick to your goals.

     6. TEAM UP with others with similar goals or aspirations. Join a team or a group class which will keep you motivated and inspired when things are getting hard. Get your partner involved!

     7. Enlist a Personal trainer or coach. These professionals will help you set realistic and  measurable goals- and give you the motivation to keep going! Ensure the trainer is REPS registered. CVPT is a good start.

Follow these steps and you're sure to succeed! Most importantly don't beat yourself up if you stumble at the first hurdle! Get back up and try again!


Want the support of a group and a Personal trainer?
Join the New Year- New You Guranteed Results training bootcamp- beginning on the 11th January.
Having seen many people fail in their efforts to try and sort their life out in January, I have put together this easy to follow programme which guarantees results to every person that attends...or your money back!

What have you got to lose?

Spaces are limited with a few left at £90.

For full info please see: NEW YEAR- NEW YOU WEBSITE
or e-mail me at

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Xmas!

Wishing all my Kettlebell friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Please note we have one more class before New Year on Tuesday 29th December- 7.30pm- meet in Cheetahs gym.

The next class after that will be Simon's class on Saturday 2nd December- 12.30pm@ ZT Fitness.

All classes resume as normal thereafter.

Have a good one!